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What’s your own definition of efficiency?​

Meeting customer needs, both in terms of quality and price.

In a context of intense competition, how do you differentiate yourself from the others?

As a small company, we value the close relationship we have with every customer. They appreciate finding bespoke support in a wide area of competences, not just technical, but also legal in the field of Continuing Airworthiness in an ever changing, difficult to track, legal framework.

Aircraft maintenance is one of the fundamental services of Aero Group. It reflects operational excellence, EASA PART-145 certified. Their belonging to the Eplatures International Airport, equipped with IFR, enables them to offer their private, business and commercial aviation customers the only permanent air platform in the French-Swiss Jura.

Rolf Pellet's Interview

Accountable Manager at AeroGroup

How do you turn a crisis into an opportunity?

As an aircraft maintenance organisation, where products we maintain are not subject to Research and Development as rapidly as the automotive industry does, it is important to permanently challenge our way to process the information, the work and the relation to our customers. Analysing our customers needs, and providing them with solutions at their size is paramount to us.

Is innovation at the heart of your reflection and strategy?

Innovation is key when attempting to provide added value to our service

Security and trust are fundamental in our industry, how do you convey those values?

We value the interpersonal communication. On top of a working SMS (ahead of EASA requirements for 145 organisations), we encourage free reporting in the organisation. We are striving to remain proactive, not reactive and use everyone’s experience, young and elderly, to avoid and prevent pitfalls

What’s your clients’ main need and how do you deal with it?

Customers are not reluctant to pay the price for competent work. They dislike to feel that their resources are being used to cover lack of training or skills in the organisation. We invest consistent amount of money in training, and sensitize our staff to act as if they were themselves our customers.

How does MRX Systems fit with your strategy in place?

MRX Systems is the only IT system I have come across providing a comprehensive solutions for operations, maintenance and continuing airworthiness. Thank to MRX Systems, we now have a searchable, flawless transactions recording systems. MRX is full part of our strategy of innovation.

How does MRX Systems allow you to stay easy & flexible?

As a connected system, MRX fits perfectly for base maintenance, line maintenance and AOG situation. Hardware remains simple, not requiring invasive IT infrastructure.

How does MRX Systems help you regarding your brand image?

MRX has definitely allowed us to offset from competition in terms of efficiency, quality of records supplied to the customers, ultimately keeping their aircraft value high.

Do you think that your clients perceive you differently since you started to use our solutions?

Undoubtedly yes. Even if not equally implemented yet, MRX Systems open new visions, new fields in aircraft operations, and we are eager to develop customer relationship further, for instance by the use of Electronic Techlog.


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